This Is Amazing Grace....
It was six years ago today I first shook hands with and was introduced to Mr. Eliezel Soto as he was serving as the W&W coordinator for Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. It was at the Nazarene Seminary in C.R. where our team from my home church in Adrian, MI was staying for the night before heading out on a 7 hour + bus ride the following day to Changuinola, Panama where we would be helping build a church.
Many times I stop and think, what if I never would have obeyed God and went on that first missions trip of mine? Let me tell you, I was not raised in a missionary family, I was not raised in the Nazarene church, and I had no clue as to what missions was all about. At that time in my life I was working full time, blessed financially, enjoying fancy vacations, just enjoying the good life as I pleased. I was blessed in many ways. I was serving Christ but when I would come across the scripture about the rich young ruler we read about in Matthew, my heart was flooded with guilt. That rich young ruler wanted to serve Christ but he was not willing to TOTALLY sell out for Jesus. That's how I was. Oh sure I could attend church on a regular basis. I could read my Bible and pray. But something in me was not willing to let go of my ALL to serve Him.
So when I was first asked to join this W&W team to Pamama, I was like, "Why would I want to use my vacation time to go to a place only to be uncomfortable and possibly be in danger?" I was selfish. I still battle with selfishness to this day. But God began dealing with my heart and I decided that this time I wanted for once, to really put others first and go to serve the people of Panama. When I called our W&W leaders to let them know of my decision I was told how I had literally signed up at the VERY last minute. It was the last night they would be able to purchase the flights. God's timing is perfect. The miracle in God's timing is perfect.
Nothing happened between Eli and I on that trip. Our lives were not in a place for anything to happen between us at that time. We were just two very different people living two very different lives and lifestyles in two very different countries and cultures. Conversations between us were more like,”What would you like to drink?” “I’ll take a Coke, thank you!” But after a major crossroad I was faced with in my life exactly one year later to the date of our team leaving that missions trip and saying our goodbyes to Eli at the San Jose, C.R. airport, by God's grace, He made a way for Eli and I to connect. And ONLY by God's amazing grace has this beautiful love story been able to unfold.
To think of how I wrote what I did above the album "Work & Witness missions trip 2010" I have posted in my photos here on FB, to think of how I sent a quick message to Eli shortly after leaving that trip letting him know of how life-changing it was to serve in Panama and thanking him for doing what he does, making it possible for many people to serve in this way. How I metioned in that same message I would love to see him and the people of Panama again someday but how it would most likely be Heaven before that would ever happen. Oh how great our God is!
So after many Skype conversations, and after 500+ emails (which happen to be printed off, in binders, and locked up in a safe back in MI) revealing how Eli and I truly got to know each other, how we fell in love, and proving the many, many miracles God performed to make the impossible possible. After our two beautiful wedding days, me becoming "Mom" to Elianny, experiencing together the birth of our sweet Esteban Phineas, and now our new baby girl on the way. After serving together in Dominican Republic for over 3 1/2 years. Out of all of the countries there are in this world, God has called our little family to serve in Panama. The very country where it all began. Who would have thought? If you would have asked me 6 years ago if this would be my life today, I would have answered, "Are you crazy? Me in missions?" But let me tell you, I am proof the Lord can use anybody! Eli and I are just two very ordinary people who have chosen to follow God in an extraudinary way.
After returning back to Dominican Republic from our 2 month long deputation in the U.S., we had only three weeks to literally pack up our lives and move here to Panama City, Panama to serve as the first ever W&W coordinators to live in the country of Panama.
Back in June we had traveled here as a family to work with a team and also check out the surroundings. The team just happened to be from Michigan and they just happened to be working on the very first church Eli had worked on here in Panama as the W&W coordinator back in 2008. And now after moving here, our very first team just happened to work in the same town I had worked in on my very first trip, the one Eli and I met on. The place where the very seed of our love story was planted. Coincidence? No way. It's God!
Sure it has been a crazy busy time as we work on unpacking, getting settled, and adjusting to life as a family in a new country. Sure it isn't easy being totally on our own with no family and the grandparents of our children not living near. But let me tell you, God is faithful! Our church family here has been so hospitable and helpful, and we really appreciate each one of them! And I believe Eli and I and the kids are growing even closer as a family. I have to say, Elianny and Esteban are doing pretty awesome with all of the changes, especially after being together day in and day out for over a month and a half straight since Elianny's school doesn't start until the end of February! I'm even doing a lot of cooking and so far everyone is surviving! Gracias a Dios! :)
Now being 8 months prego, this old body gets a little worn out and overwhelmed from time to time with all of the settling along with all of the many normal Mom duties. With that being said I want to give a shout out to my awesome husband! He has seriously been nothing short of amazing with not only taking care of his work responsibilities, but also helping out tremendously with the unpacking, organizing, cleaning, painting, helping with the kids, taking us to doctor's appts, etc. And let me just say, He IS the king of mopping! :)
Many times I wonder why God loves me so much when I am so undeserving. I wonder why He would call me to such a task, to serve in missions, when before in my life I had not a clue about missions. Many times I feel so inadequate. But what I do know is, His love is greater and deeper than what our minds can ever fathom. He loves us. He just does. You and me. He loves us all. And I know for a fact, if He calls us to a task, adequate or not, He will equip us. I love the following saying because it's true, "He doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called." I am proof. And as in Eli's testimony which he has shared many times, he is proof. He was just a young boy living in a poor drug and crime infested neighborhood who at the age of 13 surrendered his entire life to Christ. And look where God has lead him. God has truly gifted him with a talent to serve. And being the humble man that he is, he won't like me saying this publicly, but he really is awesome at what he does. I don't say that lightly or because I am his wife, I truly mean it. And his heart for God is what attracted me to him in the first place. He's just so special and I thank God for allowing me to share life with this man whom I have a true priviledge and honor of calling my husband. Is he perfect? Nope. But he's perfect for me, and I'm even more in love with him today.
Thank you for supporting and praying for our family. We truly appreciate it. Here are a few things we kindly ask you to please add to your prayer list if you would:
- Elianny's schooling/her adjusting to a new school and meeting new friends.
- A vehicle.
- The upcoming arrival of our new baby coming at the end of February.
- Our immigration papers.
- Wisdom to lead Work & Witness here in Panama.
- Support for our family and the W&W ministry here in Panama, both prayerfully and financially.

January 2010. The Finca 11 church, how it looked before our team started the work.

January 2010. The Finca 11 church, how it looked before our team started the work.

January 2010. The Finca 11 church, how it looked before our team started the work.

January 2010 after a few days of working on the church.

December 30th, 2015. The Finca 11 church today after the local church had continued the work. AMAZING!

December 30th, 2015. The Finca 11 church today after the local church had continued the work. AMAZING!

December 30th, 2015. The Finca 11 church today after the local church had continued the work. AMAZING!

January 2010. I was up to bat. Notice the handsome catcher? This is the same piece of land where Eli worked with our first team since living here in Panama.

December 30th, 2015 The same land we played ball on back in 2010 in La Gloria. This is the project Eli and our first team since we moved to Panama worked on.

January 2010. Kristie, Eli, and I with the Pastor's children. Who had any idea God was up to something at this time?

Our family December 2015. God is Good!
Gracias y Dios les bendiga!


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